A free throw in Basketball is an unhindered shot made from a set line and awarded because of a foul by an opponent, analogous to ‘penalty shots’ in other team sports. A perfect depends upon factors such as the angle the player takes on the 3-point line and the arc of the ball, which is the path the basketball flies from the time it leaves the shooter’s hand until it arrives at the basket.
To better understand this idea of motion of the basketball, LEGO® Education BricQ Motion Essential has come up with a more fun way of explaining this motion of a basketball.
- This model helps students understand the motion of a basketball from different positions to recognize a pattern of motion. Start by asking the students to build the model, making sure they each get a turn to build it.
- Students can change the distance between the throwing arm and the basket, the height of the basket and the pivot position.
- Students first try to score with the height of the basket set at position 1 and the throw distance set at position 2.
- Students will then increase the position of the throw to 4, 6 and 8, properly recording their scores on a graph as they go about this exercise.
- Next, students will raise the height of the basket to position 2 and again try to score from positions 2, 4, 6 and 8. They will record these scores on the next column of the graph.
- Ask your students to then keep increasing the height of the basket until they are unable to score. Ask them if they noticed a pattern in this exercise. Ask them to show this pattern in and through their graphs.
- An added challenge to test the mettle of your students would be to ask them if they can shoot from position 8 of the throw into the basket which is also raised to position 8? They will soon realize that it requires more than force to make a perfect free throw.
This model explains the trajectory of the ball from different heights and distances so the students understand what distance is correct. This promotes a fun learning environment for the students. Other concepts of science are also included in the LEGO® Education BricQ Motion Essential Kit.
LEGO® Education BricQ Motion Essential Kit is a hands-on STEAM solution for early years students. This kit allows students to explore physical science and experiment and create to bring it to life. This set covers concepts such as :
- Push and Pull
- Forces and Friction
- Energy and Motion
Set includes:
- 523 LEGO® elements
- Storage box and storing trays
- Two building instruction booklets
- Book 1 aimed at students from Foundation – Year 2
- Book 2 aimed at students from Year 3-5
LEGO® System A/S is a Danish toy production company based in Billund. It is best known for the manufacture of Lego®-brand toys, consisting mostly of interlocking plastic bricks. Over the years, LEGO® has branched out to launch products such as Coding Express, Steam Park, BricQ Motion Prime, BricQ Motion Essential and Spike Prime.
LEGO® materials are a great platform for introducing young children (ages 5 to 8) to scientific and engineering concepts. However, as a popular option during choice time or indoor recess, they are often associated with play. Their educational products have made a great impact in developed countries such as UAE, mainly Dubai. Other members of the Middle East’s GCC have also implemented these into their school curriculums.