by Knowledge Hub | Mar 2, 2023 | blogs
Eating healthy fruits and veggies helps the child grow physically and even mentally. To encourage good habits at an early age, children need to be taught what is right for them and what isn’t. Deciding to choose an apple over a slice of pizza, is vital to understand...
by Knowledge Hub | Feb 17, 2023 | blogs
The Parent-Child relationship is a partnership and a two-way street. All parents strive to teach their children good values and discipline. Effective parenting skills aid in filling up the generation gap. When the parent understands the balance between enforcing...
by Knowledge Hub | Feb 10, 2023 | blogs
They say where words fail, music speaks. Much in the same way, music can be medicine for the mind. Lilting music is found to affect the unborn child positively. We have all seen even an infant enjoying the lullaby his mother sings to him or the familiar tune that his...
by Knowledge Hub | Feb 1, 2023 | blogs
We still remember the famous nursery rhyme ‘Old MacDonald Had a Farm’ and enjoyed making different animal noises to learn what they sound like. Moo-moo says the Cow and the Pigs say Oink-Oink, while the Chickens go Cluck-Cluck. By the age of 2 years, children start...
by Knowledge Hub | Jan 24, 2023 | blogs
LEGO® Education has been collaborating with educators for more than 40 years to provide engaging learning opportunities that bring concepts to life in the classroom and make learning enjoyable and effective. A broad range of tangible and digital educational tools are...