Matatalab is a technology, education company, established in 2017, that is reshaping the way that children between the ages of 3 to 9 years can learn coding. In Dubai as well as the rest of the UAE, the use of Matatalab’s coding robots has been exponential and it has become a much-sought-after tool by educational establishments for their ground-breaking STEAM solutions. It now includes an Innovative Music Learning Tool where children can learn how to compose their favourite melody and through its various combinations also create their very own. This music add-on accessory has 16 Alto Clef Music Blocks, 16 Treble Clef Music Blocks, 10 melody blocks with pre-set melodies that kids can combine with robots or scenes they create while learning how to code and 3 double-sided music warm-up cards. Additionally, these patented tools help in sensory development as well.

Learning to string a musical piece together using these music blocks improves coordination and memory. With the correct teacher guidance and parent encouragement, these students can become more socially adept and better at coping with anxiety. They are also poised to become better communicators. Using Matatalabs music add-on accessory improves listening skills as in addition to instructions from the teacher, they also need to listen for speed, rhythm and pitch.